Thursday, January 8, 2009


Interesting how time flies past... it seems as if I am standing in a crowd and and everyone else is whizzing by as I just look around dazed and confused. We've all seen a scene in a movie like that! Anyway, here we are at the beginning of a new year, looking forward to new experiences and life lessons while still trying to catch our breath from last year's "lessons." I think goals are great- setting them is motivating and inspiring and makes me strive to do all these great things... and then I get out of bed and real life hits me and it is so much harder to keep my eye on the prize. Here are some things that I hope to work on this year- hope being the key word there...

*rock the pilates class
*learn more about patience
*finish my bible study
*go to wisconsin
*go to san diego
*learn how to change a tire for reals- instead of in theory
*run a mile without dying
*get my AA- degree, not sobriety chip
*move up in my career field
*ace my spanish classes